Lectures and classes
I have lectured on books and libraries and participated in primary sources seminars in the Department for the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, where I am an Associate Researcher. I established in the department a seminar series, ‘Science in Print’. I have contributed to courses at the London Rare Book School and have taught courses at the New York Academy of Medicine, the Bodleian Library in Oxford and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. These have concentrated on the production and interpretation of scientific illustrations. For a full list see my CV.

Rare Book School at the University of Virginia
I teach a regular summer school course at Rare Book School at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The Illustrated Scientific Book to 1800 with Caroline Duroselle-Melish, curator of rare books and prints at the Folger Shakespeare Library. The course deals with the identification and description of the processes of book illustration and the analysis of scientific images. Applications normally open in January for the class in July. The course includes printing on the common press and the rolling press built for Rare Book School.
I also teach a Rare Book School Class at Oak Spring Garden Foundation, Six Hundred Years of Botanical Illustration.